Strategy of selling mobile phones to cheat the most profit.
Even if the new box has a clear plastic shroud well.
that inside is not new for someone who want to have mobile phones with a quality.
How to buy mobile phone correctly.
where will IMEI
- Back of mobile phone body at battery box.
- Power on mobile phone after press *#6# be appear IMEI
- Sticker at side of box packaging.
check 3 point have same IMEI
2. Check with dealer to import mobile phones because of the import company have IMEI in computer and can check.
3. Power on check used time of mobile and press *#92702689# to check used time if it is new mobile phone used time must be 0 or more than 0 to much.
4. Check clue on the mobile phone. If the model is can sheep mask try to see the view of the clean, warranty sticker, day warranty.
5. Try calling the phone, open for all functions on the phone.
6. Check accessories in box packaging.
good luck for your.